Information regarding an Irrational number Pi

 What is Pi day?

Pi day and Pi approximation day are two holidays that celebrate the mathematical constant (Pi). 

Pi day is celebrated on March 14    (14/3) due to pi being roughly equal to 3.14.

Pi approximation day is celebrated on July 22   (22/7) due to pi being roughly equal to 22/7.

The first pi day celebration was held at the San Franciso Exploratorium  in 1988. The staff and public marched around the circular spaces and consumed fruit pies.

The Founder of Pi day is Larry Shaw, also known as "Prince of Pi".

Euler adopted the symbol of pi and it quickly became a standard notation.

Pi     Latin word

Pie     English word

     Greek Letter

Pi is a ratio of circumference and diameter of circle.

3.14..  value of pi was given by Al-kashi in 1429 A.D.

22/7     value of pi is given by Greek.

355/113    value of pi is given by Chines.

sqrt(10)  means radical 10  is given by  Indian

256/81    value of pi is given by Babylonian.